Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Way way way far behind on my knitting blog. I'm learning lace knitting and having a blast making shawls. Aunt Cecil had given me a bag of Jamieson & Smith two ply jumper weight many years ago. She'd bought it while on a trip to Scotland with Uncle Bubba but never got around to using it. Kept thinking how much fun it would be to make her something from the yarn.

This was the result - Alix's Prayer Shawl - a real beginner project

The second one was Heartland Shawl designed by Evelyn Clark:

Not great photos and they show the shawls being blocked on a mattress.

Next came Tibetan Beaded Shawl which was a bit more ambitions and included beads. The shawl is rectangular and actually is a light lavender not pink. They sure are fun to make.

Also currently working on another shawl and a top down Alice Starmore sweater called "Irish Moss" for an online Knit Along on Ravelry. I'll catch up the other stuff later.


  1. As usual, your work is lovely!

  2. So very pretty! Love how that Irish Moss is coming along.

  3. Wow, Anne, this was worth the wait! The Heartland shawl is particularly lovely. I too am thinking about starting lace/shawl knitting but have only got as far as buying lots of books and of course a goodly supply of lace yarn. Maybe in 2011 ...

    You have picked the perfect yarn and color for Irish Moss. Looking forward to seeing it grow.

  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    It's all só beautiful and I am verry happy that you blogged again.
    Looking forward to see your next finished objects!

    Greetings from Holland,

  5. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I have found lace knitting to be just as addictive as Aran knitting.. LOL. I still want to knit the Irish Moss sweater at some point. It has always been one of my favorites.
