Enough snow already! We shoveled roofs, chopped ice, tried to throw it up over the huge mountains near the house. We lost power and internet last night but only for three hours unlike many who are still without power. It is beautiful though with the ice hanging on the trees and the snow so white and unbroken. This is our back porch.

Finally the neck ribbing of Fulmar is done except for the bind off. I
wanted to look at it a bit more before the final binding. The neck
fits well, is a good height and finally the cables went up into the
rib without a lot of stress. The change was in picking up the row
BELOW the cast on stitches across the front and back. I was quite
careful to have the picked up stitches the same in each section side
to side and front to rear. There are a couple of small holes that
could have been picked up better but there is this marvelous invention
called a blunt tapestry needle and a piece of the red yarn to fill in
the holes from the inside. Now that the neck trauma is over, I will
get back to knitting on Oregon Autumn Fair Isle which is a very
soothing knit. Thanks to all for the hand holding.